Die kleine Hexe


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:动画 / 短片
  • 地区: 德国
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《Die kleine Hexe》在线观看和下载

Die kleine Hexe剧情内容介绍

Die kleine Hexe又名The Small Witch

The small witch is only 127 years old so the "big witches" just doesn't take her serious. She accepts she can't be big but she decides she will be a good witch. She tries to make good deeds all year so she can take part in the firedance at Walpurgis Night - but in the end it turns out that you should do really BAD deeds to be a GOOD witch. Based on the story of Otfried Preußler...

发布于1983年。由Bruno J. Böttge执导,并于1983公映的电影。


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Die kleine Hexe评价

  • 木有找到中文或者英文的。。实在有点可惜。。可是风格真的很萌<3

  • 阴森潮湿的春夜、红红的浆果宛如一大滴鲜血、山冈和影子(你记得被**的学者吗)、猫头鹰,密涅瓦,人不能两次踏进同一条河流,Hokuspokus!哈,一切都在飞快溜走,从永远的2016年冬天
