An Elephant in the Room


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区: 丹麦
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An Elephant in the Room剧情内容介绍

An Elephant in the Room又名Beautiful Something Left Behind

At the home Good Grief in New Jersey, US, children meet to deal with grief, the passing of a parent or a sibling through play. Philip who moved to New Jersey with her family to be close to her characters, says she has filmed six children for over a year to see how they interact and adjust. “The film shows grief from a child’s perspective but it’s also a celebration of childhood...

发布于2020年。由Katrine Philp执导,并于2020-10-02(美国)公映的电影。


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  • NJ本土纪录片(Morristown),失亲孤儿援助项目对愈合内心创伤的作用,孩子的视角理解“生死”,童真必须要面对残酷时有很多心碎的瞬间:我想念妈妈希望我死的时候能见到她、寄托思念的气球被树枝拦下是她在守护我吗?
