我的一家人 第十季

My Family Season 10(2010)

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我的一家人 第十季剧情内容介绍

我的一家人 第十季原名:My Family Season 10,

In the tenth series, in the second episode ("The Son'll Come Out") Michael comes out as *** to his parents, first to his father after coming home drunk then later to his mother. He then tells them that he has been in a relationship with a guy for some time, a 25 year old solicitor called Scott Marsh, who later moves into the Harper residence, though he is later seen in *** club...

发布于2010年。由Ed Bye执导,并且由编剧Amy Shindler、Tom Anderson携幕后团队创作。集众多位罗伯特·林德森、佐伊·沃纳梅克、加布瑞尔·汤姆森、丹妮拉·丹拜-阿什、Tayler Marshall、Keiron Self等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2010-07-09公映的电视剧。


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我的一家人 第十季评价

  • 不想多说些什么了 满满的都是泪啊 笑出来的
