Romantic Warriors III: Canterbury Tales


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Romantic Warriors III: Canterbury Tales

The emergence of the Canterbury Scene in the late 60s represents a remarkable period in the history of British progressive rock music, and notably, the development of Jazz Rock.

发布于2015年。由Adele Schmidt、Jose Zegarra Holder执导,集众多位Roy Babbington、Dirk Campbell、Phil Miller、Benoît Moerlen、大卫·纽豪斯、杰弗里·奈特、David Sinclair、Daevid Allen、Raven Bush、Marc Capel、Michel Delville、John Etheridge、Patrick Forgas等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2015-04-17(美国)公映的电影。


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  • Robert jan stips说演出结束后日本粉丝泪奔的场面让他感慨。想想要不是靠日本人丧心病狂的挖掘,我们哪能听到那么多被埋没的好音乐哦。整个纪录片看下来,前摇还是小众,而且感觉你坎系说来说去还是**** machine最结棍。
